The Thinker

The Thinker


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just Some Random Thoughts

It has been a while since the last time that i have written in this blog. Many ideas have passed already. The talkative mind was put into silence. Nothing in particular is this article all about. Missed the idea of being with a piece of choco wacko and a cup of coffee (got no money to buy actually... Lol). Nonetheless, i'm having it now. I used to be a loner but i just realized that i lost my connection to that person. I missed the thinker in me. I missed thinking about what other people are thinking inside the coffeeshop. For the past years i have always been with a company of one or two. People always come to me seeking advice or just be with my company. I enjoyed it though but now i have to get reconnected with that thinker. Ideas. Radical thoughts. Crazy reasoning. Out of this world imaginations. I missed the kid in me. Hmmmm, since no one is reading this blog, i guess i should take this opportunity to ur it all out. I'm tired. Sick and tired of the routines of my life. I feel like a loser. Ironic though that many people wants to be like me when they don't know that in one way pr another i feel so defeated. I have been the source of strength of many people around me yet none has asked me how am i. Faking to be strong when in fact im already on my knees. Heavy-laden. If only i could cry now i would but i just can't (in a public place). I don't wanna look stupid. Deep inside me is crying out. This is insane. Insanely sane! Darn! Well, i believe that in God's time, my true freedom from my self-imposed prison will be over. If that happens, it will be all glory to God. As of now, eventhough this post is just an out of nowhere idea, i am glad that i got the chance to get connected to this alter-ego of mine. Hoping to be able to write every day to just get updated. Pretty much sure of that... Bye for now...

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