The Thinker

The Thinker


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shock Absorber!

I was riding in an elevator when i got sudden interest of its parts and the technology that it is using. It's just so amazing how does elevator, especially from that of skyscrapers, able to resist the gravitational energy preventing it from fall and even having a smooth landing in the ground floor. Thanks to the very humble part of the elevator system that is found underneath it - the shock absorber.

Pretty much of my curiosity, i began to question myself how does it feel to become a shock absorber. Perhaps you will be at the bottommost part of the elevator waiting for its going down and once its near you, arms will then be raised; exerting all the energy you have in the body just to give a smooth landing and provide safety to the people inside. Hmmm, that would have been the highest paying job in the world if ever it existed.

In one way or another, people sometimes tend to become shock absorbers. Being the Clark Kent of everyone's life. Wanting to save the world in any way that they can. They think that they can make the world happy; intervening in all situations; preoccupied pleasing people believing that they are strong enough or matured enough and that with their presence everything will be under control. Yes! It sound good right? Great in fact!

Yeah! In one way or the other, all of us have been to the stage in our lives wherein we do hero worship. Boys may worship their fathers to be the man of steel with speed as fast as the speed of light. Eventually we tend to imitate and wanted to become heroes ourselves.

By being a hero of somebody else, it satiates our innate longing of sense of authority and being powerful. They cheer of the people saying,

“You are so strong!”

“You are my knight in shining armor!”

“You are my hero!”

Whew! A sweet aroma to our ears! In as much as we experience the happiness every time we got the feeling of having helped people in their problems, we never realized that we have missed something. Perhaps not just a ‘some-thing’ but it is a big thing – our IDENTITY.

Ever been to a situation of feeling useless when alone and have helped nobody? What about the feeling of inadequacy when alone yet if in the presence of people you will be the one-man showing being able to do everything. That must have been hard to be like that. People-dependent happiness (I need not to reiterate this, I have another longer blog about the thing called happiness) is like a malignancy. Very asymptomatic. At first you will never realize that you have the disease coz it seems like everything is doing well. Happiness somehow overflows. However, at the end of the day when everyone is parting ways, why is there a sudden feeling of isolation, despair, exhaustion!

Wake up! It’s not the people who need your help. It’s you who needs you!

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