The Thinker

The Thinker


Friday, June 20, 2008

I Honestly Don't Know How To End this Up!

Me, Myself and I
My mind peoccupies
To be loved and to be happy
Is what I yearn for my destiny

Since the day I was born
All I've wanted is my own
That this very important person called "Me"
To be thwe only that everyone could see

Me, Myself and I
To be the apple of everybody's eye
Like a mother to her infant
No one will ever be more significant

To wake up early and go to school
It's about my future after all
Then with all strength work all day
Leaving no time to rest and pray

Indeed everything is worth for good
To do the best as much as I could
All of these is only to satisfy
The wants of Me, Myself and I

A good life I have acquired
The kind that will make people inspired
Thinking that this is all that life could be
Til emptiness plagued inside of me

Irony! Yes! A big irony
To have a life you've wanted yet still feeling empty
Could this be true? Could this be real?
Wisdom and understanding I appeal

Could someone stretch out and lend me a hand
Take me out from the darkness where I stand
For this place I can bear no more
What the future for Me, Myself, and I is in store

Help me! Help me! Help me!
From this nothingness set me free
That happiness and joy I will truly experience

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