The Thinker

The Thinker


Friday, January 23, 2009

Blessed Conversation

Human: Lord, please use me mightily!

God: I would really want to but you don’t want to be used by me.

Human: What? You know how much I love You and how much I want to serve You

God: Perhaps that’s what you think but the way You live your life my child is contradicting to that statement.

Human: What do you mean?

God: Disobedience is not in the dictionary of love. If you really have loved Me, then why don’t you listen to Me despite my caution with you. Why do you always spend your time in the internet watching pornographic websites, or why can’t you keep your tongue from telling lies? Why can’t you keep yourself from taking things that are not yours? You do you still lust among other people even those of your own gender?

Human: I’m sorry Father. I’m really very sorry. I hate myself for being like this. I hate me!

God: My child, I love you so much. I have forgiven you but always remember that there is a consequence of every sin that you made. I can’t help but to love you. Please stand firm. I’ll always be here for you. No one can snatch my hand out of yours.

Human: Thank you so much

God: Always remember my child that my love is unfailing. You are mine and I have given you everything even dominion over all the earth. All you have to do is claim your inheritance in Me. Do not allow the devil to take it away from you because I have given these things only for you. Be strong my child. Call be always. Let me be your guide and your sustainer. I LOVE YOU.

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